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Industrial robots lead the intelligent revolution of equipment - fully automatic pipe bending machine

In recent years, more and more intelligent robots have been involved in human production and life. Artificial intelligence technology not only has a strong development momentum in Western countries, but its development prospects in China are also eye-catching. Industry insiders analyze that China has become the fastest-growing market in the global robotics industry, and the high growth in China will enable China to surpass Japan and become the world's largest industrial robot market in the next two years.
Currently, the government's policy support is also being followed up synchronously. Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of Industrial Robot Industry", which requires China to form a relatively complete industrial robot industry system by 2020, cultivate 3-5 leading enterprises with international competitiveness and 8-10 supporting industry clusters; Conquer key component technologies such as servo motors, precision reducers, servo drives, end effectors, sensors, etc., and form productivity. In the coming years, China will regard robot productivity as the most important support point for the development and adjustment of China's industrial structure.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also pointed out the need to cultivate leading enterprises and form industrial clusters. Establish an industrial development pattern led by industrial robot host enterprises and system integration enterprises, with coordinated development of component and industrial service enterprises, to achieve sustainable development of the entire industrial chain of industrial robots. Vigorously cultivate backbone industrial robot enterprises with international competitiveness, and form industrial robot industry clusters with strong competitiveness. In the future, the robotics industry will develop large enterprises with international competitiveness, such as Lenovo and Huawei.
The future is a leading year in the intelligent revolution of industrial equipment. Special robots and service robots will become the focus, which will give rise to the popularity of the entire intelligent equipment industry, thereby promoting the nirvana of traditional machinery industry and the great development of emerging intelligent equipment enterprises.

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